Devotee Creations Приложения

Saint Anthony of Padua 4.13.6
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information aboutSaint Anthony of Padua, the Patron Saint of Lost Articles. The appalso contains a Daily Prayer, Help Me To Find Prayer, a 9-TuesdayNovena and a 13-Day Novena to Saint Anthony.Thank you to Sally for providing the inspiration for thisapp!
Infant Jesus of Prague Novena 1.0
Devotee Creations
This app contains the Infant Jesus of PragueNovena.This is a powerful novena for those in urgent need.It is said for 9 consecutive days, at the same time eachday.
Saint Francis of Assisi 3.0.1
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information on thelife of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals.Saint Francis of Assisi was born around 1181/1182. He died onOctober 3, 1226. On July 16, 1228, he was pronounced a saint byPope Gregory IX.This app includes information about St Francis, a Daily Prayer,A Prayer for Animals, Franciscan Blessing of the Animals and TheCanticle of the Sun.Learn more about St Francis, one of the most venerated religiousfigures in history.Many thanks to Matty G for the inspiration for this app!
St Therese Parish, Padstow 7.0
Devotee Creations
Information for the St Therese Parish, located in Padstow, Sydney,Australia.
Saint Rita of Cascia 7.2.2
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information onthelife of Saint Rita of Cascia, the Patron Saint ofImpossibleCauses.St. Rita was born at Roccaporena, Italy in 1381. She died onMay22, 1457. Rita was canonized on May 24, 1900, by Pope LeoXIII.This app includes information about St Rita, a Daily Prayer anda9 Day Novena to Saint Rita.Learn more about St Rita. People everywhere acclaim her astrulythe Saint of the Impossible, Advocate to those in despair.
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux 1.0.1
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information onthelife of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.St Thérèse was born at Alençon, France on 2 January 1873.Shedied on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24 and was canonizedbyPope Pius XI on 17 May 1925, who proclaimed her Universal Patronofthe Missions.This app includes information about St Thérèse of Lisieux,aDaily Prayer and a 5 Day Novena
Saint Francis of Assisi 6.2
Devotee Creations
Application about Saint Francis of Assisi. This app providesinformation about the life of Saint Francis, a Daily Prayer, aPrayer for Animals, the Canticle of the Sun and the story of theWolf of Gubbio. Saint Francis of Assisi was born Giovanni di Pietrodi Bernardone, nicknamed by his father, was an Italian Catholicfriar and preacher. Born in around 1181/1182, though he was neverordained to the Catholic priesthood, Francis is one of the mostvenerated religious figures in history. Without Matty G, this appwould not be possible.
Infant Jesus of Prague Novena 6.0
Devotee Creations
This app contains the Infant Jesus of Prague Novena.
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux 6.0
Devotee Creations
Application about Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Saint Rita of Cascia 15.22
Devotee Creations
App about Saint Rita of Cascia, the Patron Saint of ImpossibleCauses.
Saint Jude Thaddeus 7.1
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information on the life of Saint JudeThaddeus
Saint Maximilian Kolbe 1.14
Devotee Creations
App for Saint Maximilian Kolbe. The app tells you about hislife,has a daily prayer, a prayer for families and access to anovenabooklet.
Saint Anthony of Padua 5.0
Devotee Creations
This app provides you with information about Saint Anthony ofPadua.
Our Lady of Montalto 2.0
Devotee Creations
An app about Our Lady of Montalto (Madonna di Montalto)